The past few weeks have been a time of reflection on many things, especially my leadership to the agents who trust me to lead them. We are excelling tremendously in some areas and in others, it’s time to hold ourselves accountable, have some tough conversations, and recommit going forward.
The video above is a snippet from our company-wide meeting this week. As you'll hear in the video, we are focusing on accountability and new expectations in Q2. There's a lot of noise in our industry right now, so we need to put on the blinders and make sure we are doing what we need to be doing to continue to grow and thrive. It’s easy to get buried in headlines and drama – our challenge is to focus on those activities that will propel us forward.
I'm always here for you if you want to sit down for a confidential business strategy meeting, or if you're curious how you should be tracking your business and holding yourself accountable.